PARK CITY — On Thursday, June 25, the State Transportation Commission toured several areas in Summit County to see current and recent roadway improvement projects in the county.
The Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) has been working with Summit County, Park City, and Snyderville Basin Parks, Trails and Recreation on improving transportation routes in the area.
“Summit County is a popular destination for recreation enthusiasts year-round,” says UDOT Region Two Director Nathan Lee. “Keeping the flow of motorists, cyclists, and wildlife moving through the county efficiently and safely is a top priority for us.”
In the past five years, UDOT has invested $102 million in roadway improvements in Summit County. Some of those projects include:
-I-80 from Kimball Junction to SR 224 Study
This study looked at different scenarios to expand the capacity of SR 224 near Kimball Junction to accommodate future traffic and improve mobility. Three recommendations were made, including a 7-lane section on SR 224, a continuous flow intersection at Olympic Parkway/Newpark Blvd., and a third left turn lane from northbound SR 224 to westbound I-80. A final recommendation has not been chosen and funding for construction has not been secured.
-Wildlife Underpass Crossing at US 40
Completed in November 2014, this new underpass crossing provides recreational access and connectivity west of US 40 with the Frontage Road east of US 40. The underpass also enhances safety for drivers and trail users, while at the same time reducing auto-wildlife crashes.
-SR 224 between Richardson Flat and Round Valley Drive
UDOT repaved and widened S.R. 248 to five lanes (two general purpose lanes in each direction with a two-way left turn lane) from Richardson Flat Road to Round Valley Drive. The project also included the installation of bike lanes from Wyatt Earp Way to Richardson Flat Road and intersection improvements at Richardson Flat Road and S.R. 248. This project was completed in 2013.

The Commission stopped at S.R. 248, east of Comstock Drive, to view a pedestrian tunnel near Treasure Mountain Middle School in Park City.
-SR 224 between Bear Hollow and I-80
UDOT completed a three-inch repaving on S.R. 224 from Bear Hollow to the I-80 interchange in July 2014. The project also included new radar signal detection, pedestrian ramp upgrades and a shared shoulder for Park City Transit buses/ bikes on the east side.
Current projects under construction include the following:
-I-80 between Silver Creek and Wanship
This $43 million project replaces asphalt, upgrades drainage systems, and installs overhead variable message signs (VMS) to better communicate road conditions on Interstate 80 between Silver Creek and Wanship. Construction began in December 2014 and is scheduled for completion in late 2015.
i-80 Bridge Demolition near Wanship We shared with you earlier about the construction going on near Wanship on I-80. Now, we’ve got a video to show how we teamed with Geneva Rock Products to take down the bridge.
Posted by Utah DOT on Wednesday, May 6, 2015
-Judd & Hobson Lane Bridges at I-80
This $2.7 million renovation project prolongs the life of the both the Judd and Hobson Lane bridges along Interstate 80 between Coalville and Hoytsville. Originally built in 1967, the bridges provide connectivity and enhance safety for drivers. Renovations began in June 2015 and are scheduled for completion in the fall of 2015.
Upcoming projects in Summit County include the following:
-New westbound truck lane on Interstate 80 between Parley’s Summit and Jeremy Ranch
To improve mobility and enhance safety on Interstate 80, UDOT is designing a passing truck lane between Parley’s Summit and Jeremy Ranch. The $17 million design project will begin in 2017.
-US 40 bridges near Jordanelle Reservoir
This $4.2 million project will preserve seven bridges near the Jordanelle Reservoir, which are frequently used by motorists visiting the area for recreation. The bridges were originally built over 20 years ago. Bridge preservation work begins in 2016.
For a complete list of current and future projects in Summit County, visit the UDOT Projects page.
This guest post was written by Region Two Communications Manager Agustin Avalos.